Danila Ivanov
Senior Integrated Producer

Web sites


The following reel is showcasing websites produced by Dan Ivanov from end-to-end during his work at agency Cool Gray Seven as a creative producer.

Danila's mission at the agency is to develop its digital wing and to bring digital work to the higher level. The first produced website that went online got the Special Mention from Awwwards: http://www.awwwards.com/sites/the-fairchild-coconut-grove-2


List of sites that are live to date: 

https://usa.tolkowsky.com/   - Tolkowsky Jewlery 

http://thefairchildgrove.com/  - Fairchild Grove. Luxury complex in Miami

http://house39.com/  - House39. Luxury building in Long Island City  

http://coolgrayseven.com/ - Cool Gray Seven, corporate website

101west78street.com - Luxury building in Manhattan 

www.themarketingdirectorsinc.com - a website for a real estate marketing company

http://renttheforge.com/ - Luxury building in Long Island City